Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update Time

Okay so here's an update on my progress (or regress im not quite sure)
Graham and myself have been working on the enhanced weapons resource with not much hope of this working on time :/
There are a hell of a lot of bugs and crashes, even though this Deepscratch guy said he got a working port!
But at least it compiles okay :) and the sidwinders are working properly

Anyway, my next task is to work on the shields, i hear the multimedia guys have got some shield particles ready?


  1. There are ripple effects on the shared drive, courtesy of Josh. You will have to scale it down, as large particles will kill the game :)

    Of course this is more like one long lasting particle that expands and fades.

    With the enhanced weapons resource - if you can chop out things like the energy projectile and such - and try to get targeting working (I doubt this will be achievable in the time we have).

    Shields will just be a collision mesh so that a texture is never needed.

  2. Okay. With the enhanced weapoons resource we may just take the original resources of what we (or you) want nad just port them to T3D.

    I will also see what reuben has done with his shield to get a good idea of what i need to do.

  3. For the shield its not much at all - we're just using a collision mesh object which will be reasonably large and well rounded to fit the ship (mounted object, dynamically).
