Friday, September 11, 2009

I hit the camera and I am sorry

yes i did acidentally hit a motion sensor camera and yes travis did have to reset the whole thing again, i am very sorry. But here is what i have done this week, after my incident with the motion capture studio i went on to build my alien and on wednesday i also did a high detailed version of his head which didnt come out too well when i rendered it on my computer but any way here they are.


  1. Cool. I think there'd be a galactic policy against these guys though. For indecent exposure. Though I guess it isn't so indecent seeing as how they have no genetalia! ^_^

    The only known real-time delay for animation (to get the tail looking good) doesn't actually work so well in max 11; infact it's virtually broken.

    You acn use the max biped tail (it will animate a little automatically I think); but really it'd be best to look into a more fluid animation technique; if you do want it.

    Also, well done on knocking the camera! :D

    Slacran Space Sushi!

  2. i did try to add some sort of a space suit thing by just changing some poly colours but it just looked like a wetsuit lol :)

  3. Hmm, well you can add stuff like jewellery I suppose; that kind of aesthetic accessory; it is the usual thing that gets put on amphibian like races in fictional worlds; as they also considered noble and ancient a lot of the time.

    On a new topic; we will need to open a discussion on the concept again (an ever changing document); what we are currently working on is fine, it can be altered and is separate from the main concept.

    However, we do really need some clarity and solid direction; otherwise when we get to the next stage we will not have any ground to tread and it will fall too far.

    I will get Will to go into detail on this perhaps! :D

    He's not seen much on this blog; ill be the one moderating anyhow.

    The discussion is open to anyone; and I know I do force my opinion on new ideas; but I want to keep everything reasonable and often it is because I can find probable failure in the idea.
