Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3dradar ... erm.... again!

so a revisit was in order to move the colours and such, away from person/vehicle to 'team' number...

on that branch i put in code to draw a picture for the blip on the radar, if the radar had one...

the radar reads the team from the datablock, (atm just checking for 0/1) then i moved the radar blip picture to checking the class for the bitmap, and drawing it if its there or just drawing a box (like before)...

all working, except for one problem i have at the moment, where everything is drawing, as though it is a player... (ie has a bitmap), so this may need even more work...

1 comment:

  1. Are you saying you cant have blips and images drawing? We can of course just phase out blips and have lines + images for everything the radar will pick up :)

    Remember to clean up your code after its completed :D dont want lots of messy stuffs xD
