Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Modeling Specifics

Many of the following details were pointed out or referenced earlier on; either in discussion or in documentation on the wiki / blog. These details pertain to the specifics of the ships (as well as other models).

You may use 1 diffuse and 1 normals map for each model. It is possible to apply specular to these via alpha (black to white as a scale of brightness). It is possible to have more textures, but it is advised to keep them minimal for performance.

Animations in Torque require the sequence exporter. This involves placing a frame at the begining and end of animations. The sequence exporter will have to be installed to do this as it is a third-party addon.

Animations for ship parts, weapons and hulls would be useful and appreciated :)

Keep the poly count relatively low, for what a ship would be. The use of mesh smooth is not recommended at all. I will not stress it entirely, but please keep boosters, jets, weapons etc (the visible upgrades) uniform in a sense (relative to the previously discussed parameters).

If you need the mass of your ship to be at a specific point (the ship weighs down on a centred point - "Junkdog", for example); place a dummy node with the name 'mass' there.

Our experience with getting art content into the game has taught us that complications will probably arise (particularly with characters). Due to that fact we will be giving extra time on the project. This will prevent any extended tasks causing too great a delay.

If you should have any enquiries contact myself or Will. Anyone that wishes to make other models than the assignment tasks, we would really appreciate it :D

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