Sunday, August 23, 2009

Game Space

The general idea is that we have an area that envelopes the proximity of a planet, meteor belt or other important place. The major areas you may access will be available on a star-map (based on proximity etc with distance and all). We don't want to have to cruise through space for a few thousand years to get to a nearby planet :)

This here is just a screenshot of the protoship from earlier with some particle effects for contrail. The planet to the right is quite far away and as you can see the clouds are low res (low res textures on large objects becomes a pain :/)

We've got enough to start putting content in and it wouldn't take much to get a combat-simulation up (this would take some calibration, as when dealing with 3d space and projectiles... we want to be able to hit each other).

Will and I have been messing around with this stuff every now and then. May have to look into .ifls (not sure how they work in Torque exactly). As for art stuffs, if anyone wants to add complexity to their planets; such as glow, city lights etc.. clouds and all; just talk - would love some space port / battleship .. even a destroyed one, with lots of bits (so we can have them float around it) "space junk!".

I will post an update when ive got more to say. Til then, great work everyone :)

1 comment:

  1. We need a first-person view for the fighter ships. This can be done with either GUI or a combination of UI and model (with the cam inside the vehicle).

    This aspect is important, as it contributes to the feel when in combat.
