Monday, August 10, 2009

Character and Ship Concepts

Hey all,

Here's most of the character and ship concept ideas i've come up with in the last week/fortnight.

Some already have names, some don't because i just drew them and moved on to another idea.

The main ideas that got me inspired were playing card logos (spades/clubs in particular), letters of the alphabet(Z,M,A,U,D) because they are solid and things can be made out of them, while still resembling the original shape. Vegetables strangely enough had me come up with "Bean" an alien character. He has spikes on his back, eyes hanging above his head, and isn't very tall. His character and the letter Z sparked the idea of Stego, who is thinner than Bean but taller.

Next Character/Race, following the Spade card logo, is Spaydi. Obviously is an upright spade with legs. If he goes through to be modelled, i may either leave him square at the front, or round him off. His ship, the Spaydi 2k, is a horizontal ship with guns mounted on top(and possibly bottom) of the main part of the ship, with a cockpit at the front. Not really original hence the shape is copyrighted, but its an idea regardless.

Next are a few random ship designs, one coming straight from a computer mouse. The ideas came from from letters and merging of letters, and some were just drawn out of thin air without thinking. Last are a small collection of guns that could be put on a ship or two. I liked the idea of circular ammo chambers, which came from the game Team Fortress 2, in which you can build sentry guns.
None of these concepts are coloured, basically because they are just concepts, ideas that could be chopped and changed at any time.

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