Monday, October 19, 2009


I've been working on the ship customisation workshop. The stat bars at the bottom are guiProgressCtrls, which represent a percentage of something. I just used random data, but we will need to decide what the maximum value of each stat will be to use them properly.

The ok/cancel buttons will go at the bottom right, where that empty box is. The part selection buttons on the right are the standard buttons that come with Torque.

If anyone has any suggestions (or wants to completely re-design it) then please say so. I think the dummy 3D model ships and weapons that i made showcase my lack of artistic sense and ability.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. We wont be abel to go far on some of the variables. Additionally, they need to be exposed to script to allow for dynamic change - without which the workshop would not even work. :)

    And your artistic sense and ability are irrelevant, making placeholder art is good enough for this.
