Thursday, October 1, 2009

Torque 3d v 1.0 and a 3d radar fix

Yeah two points in this one,
1) First is easiest, the version i had of the 3d radar,
had a but where it didn't draw the lines,
its fixed easy enough, (nb i don't have it in front of
me so i am going from memory)
just copy the 'setdrawblock' or whatever its called,
into the start of the if statement that draws the lines.

i will repost this later with my updated and fixed version,
when i get back to tafe, i also added in custom colours for blips...

2) re :
and version one being released, so are we moving to the new version?
i would assume so, and saying that, can anyone say how similar/different
it is? (more to the point are we going to have to rewrite everything again?)


  1. we will be using 1.0. differences would be small, at least for you guys. most things wont need to be rewritten but it would be wise to winmerge the differences in your modified files and the new version.

  2. When we get in on Monday we'll do a quick run over of the changes and merge all the completed mods into 1.0.

    3d Radar
    Mesh Hiding
    Inventory (?)
