Monday, November 2, 2009

update 02/11/09

redone nodes for Adam's stinger model.
redone collision mesh for Adam's stinger model.
redone Adam's stinger model import into T3d.
added particle effect to stinger engine.
added aiflyingvehicle from (wasnt really satisfied with the current ai code).
attempted to get lights mounting on the ships.


  1. Nice - skimming through that thread it looks like you would have needed to have the FGE; but the movement code is pretty much there in the thread!

    I'd like to see how it executes, compared to the improvised version.

  2. After tests on 03/11/09 as well as subsequent tests, these are current minor tweaks which I believe to be necessary.

    * Need longer range on lights mounted to ships

    * AI Movement behavior needs to stop jetting

    * Player Ships need mount corrections for weapons

    * Projectiles need adjusting - inheritance of velocity and orient transforms are causing these to go horizontal when the player turns while firing

    * Physics vars in the default ship needs to be set to a more controllable level
