Monday, November 16, 2009

Presentation Preperation

A few notes on my todo list:
  • Mitchel's ship needs one gun mount rotated (right side shooting right, 90* to the right)
  • Josh's ship left constant emitter not working - possible miss-naming
  • Stuart's ship booster off rotation, right gun firing backward - left firing right
  • Code Basic Fighter AI - needs call out to script for possible collisions
  • UI display for KOTH type game - resource count etc (Will?)
Presentation - Week 17

I've informed all of the programmers that we need to start preperation for this, as well as the multimedia guys - but Tim already organised this. I'll list a few of the things we need to do, including what to wear (we're programmers and artists... WHY would *WE* wear formal clothing? Even the top guys of our industry wear casual clothing to some of their presentations).
  • Formal Clothing (Just a good shirt and pants)
  • Speech
  • Presentation Media (PP Slides etc)
We will get a practice presentation (most likely going to be a lot of messing around) in order, sometime next week or the week after. After talking to Alan it turns out that it is unlikely to be next week.
  • We do need to try and create a flow from one person to the next
  • Introducing yourself, and letting the previous speaker display the next slide when you are done


  1. possible re-naming problem huh? can't you do that?
    otherwise wtf is 'ship left constant emitter'????

  2. Of course it's fixable o.o just a few user errors while preparing for export.

    All torque-export .max files are on \\earth. If you'd like to look at the setup.
